越南法寶寺- 越譯大藏經辦公室成員合影
With staff of Linh-Son Dharma Treasures Office at Dharma-treasure Monastery, Vietnam
The Vietnamese translation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon
After assembling a team in Vietnam consisting of first-rate scholars in the fields of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Buddhist studies, over the course of two decades the Linh-Son Culture & Education Foundation has produced an enormous amount of translations, including the first Vietnamese translation of the entire Chinese Buddhist Canon.
All of these translations have been collected into a 187-volume set titled Linh-Son Dharma Treasures, which includes the Taisho Tripitaka (volumes 1 to 54); the Xuzangjing; the Vinaya Pitaka of the Pali Canon; and the Guhannanwen jingshu. A number of modern works have also been translated, including The Collected Works of Master Taixu; The Collected Works of Master Yinshun; Encyclopedia of Chan(100 volumes); Encyclopedia of Pure Land; the Haichaoyin book series; and the Foguang Dictionary.
Members of three-year program in translation at the Hannan Buddhist Academy in Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam