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Establishment of the Linh-Son Culture & Education Foundation
靈山文教基金會起源於1990年,由淨行上人所發起,並獲得十方護法善信,踴躍護持,共成菩提道業的理念下,於同年9月業經教育部核准,並於法院完成登記。正式成立「財團法人靈山文教基金會」 靈山文教基金會推行之各項活動,皆以培植佛教人才,廣利人天為宗旨。基金會推行之會務工作,主要項目: (1)人文教育、 (2)關懷社會、 (3)信眾的心靈淨化、 (4)國際文化交流等為導向。 With the enthusiastic assistance of a large number supporters, Venerable Thich Tinh Hanh officially established the Linh-Son Culture & Education Foundation in September, 1990. In accordance with its mission of propagating Buddhism and benefitting society, the Foundation runs various programs in the areas of culture, education, social work, spiritual practice, and international exchange. |